St. Clair College

St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology is a college in the Southwestern Ontario counties of Essex and Chatham-Kent. It was ranked as one of top colleges to go to in Ontario in 2014.
Its main administration and largest campus sites are in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. In addition, other campuses are located in Chatham and Wallaceburg. In 2007, St. Clair College expanded to downtown Windsor by purchasing the former City of Windsor owned Cleary International Centre, renaming it St. Clair College Centre for the Arts.In 2009, St. Clair College bought the former City of Windsor owned Salvation Army building in downtown Windsor and turned it into a state of the art journalism school; the first of its kind in Canada. In 2014 St. Clair College built a new sports complex at the main campus, called the SportsPlex.