Learning Objectives
After you complete this course, you will be able to:
- Identify what a code of conduct is and why a business should have one
- Identify what goes into a code of conduct
- Discuss how to implement a code of conduct in the workplace
- Create a code of conduct for a business
What is it, and why?
This session shows participants what a code of conduct is, which companies need one, and what goes into a code.
What to leave in, what to leave out
Here, participants learn what needs to be included in a code of conduct and does not need to be included. The session also looks at risks and how to identify them.
What’s it all about?
Participants will learn in this session about spreading the word of the code of conduct, training, and violations.
A Random Sample
Under consideration in this session are various examples of existing codes of conduct.
What to Do When You Make a Mistake
This session looks at what to do, and the steps to take, when you make a mistake and violate a code.
This session tackles how to follow up on a code of conduct with an audit.
Putting it Together
This final session looks at what the students have learned and allows a chance to develop an actual code of conduct.
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