
Growing Our Self-Awareness: Do You Question Your Competence?

Our confidence in our ability to express ourselves well and to keep our composure in difficult situations can be a crucial asset in the workplace. None of us wants to look foolish or spend a lot of time being anxious. If we are frequently anxious about making mistakes, or looking foolish, we limit our own strength.

Complete the following quiz to shed some light on your feelings about your competence.

I’m concerned that I’m not effective enough when dealing with my supervisor or my co-workers.
After I’ve had a conversation with someone, I sometimes worry if I’ve said anything that could be construed as offensive.
I am frequently in a position of trying to counteract a bad impression I believe I’ve made.
I rarely worry about being considered by others as misinformed or ignorant on things.
When I’m in social situations, I’m not concerned about following rules of etiquette or being self-conscious.
I tend to fret that others may think I don’t know what I’m doing.
I fear that others may not see me as adequately disciplined.
I usually wonder whether my co-workers think that I’m not putting enough time and energy into my job.
I avoid criticizing someone else’s judgment for fear of appearing in the wrong.
I tend to worry that others will laugh at my ideas.

There are no right and wrong answers to this questionnaire. It is a tool to give you an idea about how you feel about your communication skills.

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