Communication Strategies
Have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult to talk with some people and so easy to talk with others? Can you recall an occasion where you met someone for the first time and immediately liked that person? Something about the individual made you feel comfortable.
A major goal of this workshop is to help participants understand the impact that their communication skills have on other people. They will also explore how improving these skills can make it easier for them to get along in the workplace, and in life.
Learning Objectives
This two-day workshop will help participants learn how to:
- Identify common communication problems that may be holding them back
- Develop skills to ask questions
- Learn what their non-verbal messages are telling others
- Develop skills in listening actively and empathetically to others
- Enhance their ability to handle difficult situations
- Deal with situations assertively
Creating Positive Relationships
During this session, participants will explore ten ways to build positive relationships, including using uplifting messages.
Growing Self-Awareness
Our confidence in our ability to express ourselves well and to keep our composure in difficult situations can be a crucial asset in the workplace. In this session, participants will complete a self-confidence assessment. Then, the group will discuss ways to improve their self-confidence.
Communication Basics
During this session, you will help participants identify their communication strengths and weaknesses through several reflective exercises.
Communication Barriers
After a large group case study, participants will work in small groups to discuss barriers to communication. Participants will also complete a short exercise to help them develop a habit of mindfulness.
Asking Questions
This session will examine questioning skills (including open questions, closed questions, and probing) through a lecture and a pairs exercise.
Listening Skills
Participants will work on their listening skills by participating in two quizzes and several group exercises.
Body Language
To start the second day, the trainer will talk about the idea of body language in a lecture. Then, participants will complete a small group exercise and a large group exercise to explore the concept further.
Communication Styles
This activity will allow participants to take a more objective look at the advantages and disadvantages of both sides of different dichotomies related to communication styles.
Creating a Positive Self-Image
During this session, we will look at the things people determine from your appearance. Participants will explore this idea further using the pictures gathered from the pre-assignment. The session will conclude with a self-evaluation exercise.
Frame of Reference
This session will explore our frame of reference and the assumptions that we make. Participants will also take place in an activity that will strengthen their ability to speak about communication concepts more easily.
Techniques for the Workplace
In this session, participants will learn about two key elements of an effective message: preparation and delivery.
How we see ourselves has an impact on how we interact with others. Through lecture, case studies, and discussion, this session will investigate ways that participants can improve their self-image and thereby deal with difficult situations assertively and positively.

Your Satisfaction
is our Success!

Our high impact and interactive training programs have been skillfully researched and are designed to provide each participant with powerful, specific tools and knowledge. If any participant feels that they did not receive great value, effective tools or skills, they are asked to contact our customer satisfaction department. We will honour a 70% refund to the individual who has expressed (in writing) the reason for their dissatisfaction. We believe that if you have not received what we have promised to deliver, then you are entitled to a refund.

Learning at your convenience.
If time, geography, or just about any thing else is standing between you and the learning your want or need; our Online Learning may be the perfect solution. Designed for convenience and impact, we have broken down our training topics into simple sessions and sections that provide you the opportunity to start, stop and resume your learning -from anywhere, at any time. Now you get to decide where and when the right time is to expand your knowledge and skills.
$279.00 USD
Delivering a traditional training experience -in-person or virtually!
Hands down Live Training is our most popular and requested format, whether on-site, virtual classroom, or as a lunch & learn. Participants are engaged in an interactive experience with the trainer and other participating team members. Live training sessions range from a single day to a multi-part or ongoing training series. Whichever your choice, Mainstream will craft and tailor your experience to ensure it is specific, relevant and unique to your team.Something you certainly will Not receive is a pre-formatted, pre-scripted, one-size fits all training experience. We know that every team has unique learning needs and situations, therefore your training should be too. Our free program customization service aims to meet unique or custom training needs.Why settle for a program that gives you almost what you need; our team thrives on giving you Exactly what you need.

In Person Training
The traditional classroom style of training remains our Most Popular and Most Requested format. On-site training provides participants with an in-person facilitator who will work directly with the team, whether for a single training session or a training series. The Mainstream team will craft and tailor your experience to ensure that your training session is specific, relevant and unique to your audience while meeting your learning objectives. Why settle for ‘pre-formatted, pre-scripted, one-size fits all’ training programs, when our team is able to customize a program that is just right for you? We know that every team has unique learning needs, situations and that they come from a variety of industries, each having unique customer needs and demands.  Our programs can be scaled to accommodate time restraints, unique learning needs and even industry or company nuances and barriers.
Don’t settle for a program that gives you almost what you need; our team wants to give you Exactly what you need.

Virtual Room
Delivering traditional onsite training results …virtually!
We’ve officially changed the rules and redefined what is possible in the world of soft skills learning. Our unique technology, accompanied by honed delivery methodology, have successfully replicated the traditional classroom-style training environment, allowing it to exist online.
Most online training solutions limit participants’ responses to keystrokes or to single person conversations because -with inferior technology- group discussions become distorted and confusing to follow. Our Virtual Room has eliminated those barriers and encourages learning through meaningful instructor feedback, skills modelling and engaging group discussion, without visual or audio distortion
The Virtual Room is for any organization seeking a flexible substitute to traditional onsite training; whether to lower costs, eliminate unnecessary travel or to simply ease the burden of demanding work schedules.

Lunch & Learn
A Lunch and Learn session is an onsite or virtual learning program with a facilitator-led session sharing valuable information and skills on an area of identified learning interest. It’s a great break away from a traditional training program, allowing your team the opportunity to learn while enjoying their lunch. Due to the limited time, the program focuses on specific learning concepts and skills.  It is an interactive session that quickly targets and reveals learning objectives that are predetermined by the training organizer.  Lunch & Learn sessions are also great as a training series, providing progressive learning programs for developing skills in a ‘bite-sized’ format.

Quality interactive and engaging training professionally presented.
In today’s workplace, trying to coordinate a single day or location for a group can be a challenge and at times costly. We understand that the needs of our clients are varied so we have made accessing interactive learning as convenient as a click of a button. From single to multi-person registrations this option has provided convenience for many; a live webinar or prescheduled workshop may offer the perfect solution.
Start a Conversation
Contact our team of experts and we will guide you to the perfect training solution for your needs!
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